Difference between revisions of "Media form field type"

From Joomla! Documentation

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m (Fix translation mark from my previous edit)
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The '''media''' form field type provides modal access to the media manager for the choice of an image. Users with appropriate permissions will be able to upload files.</translate>
The '''media''' form field type provides modal access to the media manager for the choice of an image or other kind of media, e.g. video. Users with appropriate permissions will be able to upload files.</translate>
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* '''preview_height''' (optional) sets the max-height of preview image (default: "200").</translate>
* '''preview_height''' (optional) sets the max-height of preview image (default: "200").</translate>
* '''types''' (optional) is a comma-separated list of file types ("images", "audios", "videos" and "documents"). Default is "images". This list decides which of the allowed file extensions from Media Manager configuration are used. E.g. "images,documents" means only files with an allowed images extension or an allowed documents extension are available for selection.  (since Joomla! 4.0.0)</translate>

Revision as of 19:05, 5 October 2022

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Deutsch • ‎English • ‎Nederlands • ‎español • ‎français

The media form field type provides modal access to the media manager for the choice of an image or other kind of media, e.g. video. Users with appropriate permissions will be able to upload files.

  • type (mandatory) must be media.
  • name (mandatory) is the unique name of the field.
  • label (mandatory) (translatable) is the descriptive title of the field.
  • description (optional) (translatable) is text that will be shown as a tooltip when the user moves the mouse over the drop-down box.
  • directory (optional) is the directory from which the user will be able to choose a file. This attribute should be relative to the top level /images/ folder. The default is that the user will be confined to the top level /images/ folder.
  • preview (optional) shows or hides the preview of the currently chosen image. ("true": Show always, "tooltip": Show as tooltip, "false": Show never). Default is "tooltip". (since Joomla! 2.5.5)
  • preview_width (optional) sets the max-width of preview image (default: "200").
  • preview_height (optional) sets the max-height of preview image (default: "200").
  • types (optional) is a comma-separated list of file types ("images", "audios", "videos" and "documents"). Default is "images". This list decides which of the allowed file extensions from Media Manager configuration are used. E.g. "images,documents" means only files with an allowed images extension or an allowed documents extension are available for selection. (since Joomla! 4.0.0)

Example XML field definition:

<field name="myimage" type="media" directory="stories" />

This will open the media manager with the directory /images/stories/ already selected.

Note that if you are using this field on the frontend then permissions restrictions are likely to be in force. If the user is not authorised to view or add media they will see an error page in the modal popup ("403 You are not authorised to view this resource.").

See also[edit]