Reporting A Joomla User Group

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How to report a Joomla! User Group Listing.[edit]

Note: You must be a registered user of to report a registered Joomla User Group listing. This is to ensure transparency of reporting and enable the JUG team to follow up with any questions regarding the report.

Detailed steps.[edit]

1. Locate the JUG to report on

2. Under the main list of information you'll see several buttons for the group Contact, website, social media and one with a red/orange cloud with a ? (Question Mark) inside.

3. Click the Question Mark button and it will take you to a new ticket to open.

4. In the Subject field please include the name of the JUG and that it's a report.

5. Fill in all the rest of the fields and please tell us the reason for your report:

  • Broken link
  • inaccurate information
  • Listing in the wrong category
  • Others (please provide more information).
    • Logo does not meet requirements
    • Issues with trademark
    • Inappropriate Content

You can type in any other information you think the JUG Team will need to know.

The JUG Team will now follow up with the JUG being reported and resolve if possible. Your ticket may remain open until the issue is resolved. The JUG Team may or may not reply to your ticket.