
Creating a profile plugin

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Revision as of 20:51, 1 January 2012 by Rw1 (talk | contribs) (→‎Adding a 'Profile Image' via 'User-Profile' plugin.: new section)
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Jcasal 13:17, 28 December 2010 (UTC)

The examples uses the language model for I18N of the plugin, but does not show how this elements are added to the plugin the language directories.

Looking at profile5.xml it indicates that the language files are to be found in:

But these are the language files for the User:Profile plugin. So basically, the language translations would need to be done on another plugin's language files?

Should this tutorial show the plugin containing its own language files? For example:

and examples of how these files would look like...

Jcasal 21:00, 28 December 2010 (UTC)

Actually, after lots of trial and error, I have found a few other things that needed to be updated, so the changes are now published. Hope they work for others and save you some time doing your first user profile extension plugin.

profile to profile5[edit]

I made the changes for plug-in to work as expected.

As before it was not running onUserAfterSave functon, because profile5 property in $data array was not set.

If profile keys stay the same in database, profile plugin wipes out profile5 keys and vice versa.

--Baignoire 19:08, 6 April 2011 (UTC)

hi, i copied the files as they are now and installed the plugin :

- the save in the database is ok,
- but : 
   - on the profile view, the "someting!" field appears as 'no data entered' (or its real english equivalent, i am ona french install of joomla!)
   - when editing the profile, from frontend as well as from admin area, the field is empty (not filled with the database data)

It looks like the plugin works fine for recording to database, but not for reading saved data from the database. Any ideas ???

--Chrisnie 14:14, 10 April 2011 (UTC) I have the same problem like Baignoire but unfortunately no idea ...

(Unsolved) Displaying Plugin Fields Slider for Custom Profile Plugin assigned to Custom User Group - in Joomla 1.7 Backend[edit]

I have successfully implemented the plugin using this code. First, I created a new profile plugin (called ProfilePremium) with additional custom fields and set the permission for the plugin to be available only to a custom group (through plugin manager). This custom group (called PremiumMembers) was created through "Add New Group" under User Tab in the Joomla 1.7 Backend.

Now, when i go to user manager (as Super User in Joomla 1.7 backend) and select edit user for a user called "demo" (who is Manually assigned to the group PremiumMembers), I do not see the plugin fields slider for the ProfilePremium plugin (Under the Basic Settings and User Profile sliders) on the right side panel.

However if i change the permission of the plugin (through plugin manager) from PremiumMembers to public, and then again go to user manager (as Super User) and select edit user, the plugin fields slider appears.

How do i get the plugin fields slider for the new plugin to appear in the edit user page (Under the Basic Settings and User Profile sliders) with the permission for plugin (ProfilePremium) set to custom group (PremiumMembers)?

Thank You.

Wiredlabs 06:09, 15 September 2011 (CDT) Udbhav WiredLabs

(Unsolved) backend: display custom field values in user overview[edit]

how can i show the values of the custom fields in the user overview in the backend? (on this page: administrator/index.php?option=com_users&view=users) i created an additional col after "ID", but i dont know how to get the values of the custom fields... a solution would be great!

Adding a 'Profile Image' via 'User-Profile' plugin.[edit]

There are several very good articles on how to implement the 'User-Profile' plugin in order to add fields to the user profile such as:



There does not seem to be a solution however for how to use this plugin to allow the user to upload an image.

There are three problems when defining "type: media" in plugins/user/profile/profile.xml.

1. Only the image path is displayed in the user profile, not the image.

2. On pressing 'Select' in order to choose or upload a file, the user has access to all images in the 'Images' directory, rather than just a sub-folder of this directory.

3. Users can see all images uploaded by all users and not just their own.

There needs to be a solution where:

1. Image is displayed, not just the path.

2. User can only view a sub-directory of the 'Images' folder.

3. User can only view their own images.

Several people have commented that certain editors (JCE and JCK) have the functionality to auto-create folders based on username or userid and restrict upload access to only these folders, however after trying both editors the rules set in them do not seem to be followed when the user clicks 'Select' to upload an image, and only the 'Images' directory is shown and no folder is auto-created.