Use of Official Marketing Resources Policy

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Use of Joomla Official Marketing Resources Policy

Blog posts[edit]

Official blog posts, published on,, and, can be freely used on external sites/blogs, under the below conditions:

  • Mentioning the source is mandatory. It can be placed at the top or bottom, using a font which should be at least of the same size as the rest of the content.
    The mention shall be:
    • Translation
      This article is the free translation by X of the original article: Title of the original article by the Joomla Project - Image © Joomla
      (with a link on the title, nofollow attribute not allowed)
    • English
      Source: Title of the original article by the Joomla Project - Image © Joomla
      (with a link on the title, no follow attribute not allowed)
  • If an author is mentioned on the external site, it shall always be The Joomla Project
  • When the English version is reproduced on an external site, the content of the article shall never be edited.
  • The Joomla Project is not responsible for the quality of the translation.
  • Images of blog posts shall never be edited under any circumstance (except the translation of the title) and shall never be used outside the blog post / social media to promote it.


The Joomla Official Brochure (PDF Files) can be freely used by the community, on their community sites, blogs, events, etc. to help promoting Joomla.
The InDesign files (English and Translations) are created by and for the exclusive use of the Joomla Marketing Team.
It is not allowed to alter or modify in any way the brochures provided by the Joomla Project.
The brochures can be freely printed.

Slide Template[edit]

To help the community while creating presentations and bring some consistency in the global community, the Joomla Marketing Team provides a slide presentation template which can be freely used by anyone.


Any JUGs, JoomlaDays, or official Joomla events, are allowed to print the official Joomla Stickers to offer them to their members/attendees.
The file is provided by the Marketing Team upon request.
It is strictly forbidden to alter the artwork in any way, including deleting any or part of the mention ‘’ from the stickers, adding or changing the colours, shape or size of the stickers.
It is strictly forbidden to sale the stickers.

Case Studies[edit]

The Joomla Case Studies (PDF Files) can be freely used by the community, on their community sites, blogs, events, etc. to help promote Joomla and show the world what can be done with Joomla.
The InDesign files (English and Translations) are created by and for the exclusive use of the Joomla Marketing Team.
All copyright is owned by The Joomla Project. Should the case studies be used or placed on websites for promotional purposes, they must be sourced/credited as part of the Joomla Project and may not be altered in any way.

Joomla Logo and Brand[edit]

The Joomla name and logos are registered trademarks of Open Source Matters, Inc. in the United States, Europe and many other Countries. You can use the Joomla name and logos only under certain conditions described in the Joomla Brand Manual and the Trademark Policies. Find out more at

This policy has been adopted by the Board of Directors of Open Source Matters, Inc. with the motion #2019-015 on February 07, 2019 and is published under the Policies section of the organization’s website.