টেমপ্লে'ট কি বস্তু?

From Joomla! Documentation

Revision as of 06:08, 8 October 2021 by Mohsin Ali (talk | contribs) (Created page with "টেমপ্লে'ট কি বস্তু?")
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The Template controls the overall look and layout of your site and how your site would appear to people. It provides the framework that brings together common elements, modules and components as well as providing the cascading style sheet for your site. Both the Front-end (Site) and the Back-end (Administrator) of your site have templates.

When Joomla! is installed several templates are automatically included. You can find many more templates at other websites or create your own according to Joomla! standards. Some are available without charge under various licenses, and some are for sale. In addition, there are many designers available who can make custom templates. You can also make your own template.

Templates are managed with the Template Manager. You will also use the Template Manager for Switching templates. To use the Template Manager, log in to the Back-end (Administrator) of your site.