
From Joomla! Documentation

< API15:JLanguage

The "API15" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.


Loads a single language file and appends the results to the existing strings

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load($extension= 'joomla', $basePath=JPATH_BASE, $lang=null, $reload=false)
Parameter Name Default Value Description
$extension 'joomla' $extension The extension for which a language file should be loaded
$basePath JPATH_BASE $basePath The basepath to use
$lang null $lang The language to load, default null for the current language
$reload false $reload Flag that will force a language to be reloaded if set to true


boolean True, if the file has successfully loaded.

Defined in[edit]



jimport( 'joomla.language.language' );

Source Body[edit]

function load( $extension = 'joomla', $basePath = JPATH_BASE, $lang = null, $reload = false )
        if ( ! $lang ) {
                $lang = $this->_lang;

        $path = JLanguage::getLanguagePath( $basePath, $lang);

        if ( !strlen( $extension ) ) {
                $extension = 'joomla';
        $filename = ( $extension == 'joomla' ) ?  $lang : $lang . '.' . $extension ;
        $filename = $path.DS.$filename.'.ini';

        $result = false;
        if (isset( $this->_paths[$extension][$filename] ) && ! $reload )
                // Strings for this file have already been loaded
                $result = true;
                // Load the language file
                $result = $this->_load( $filename, $extension );

                // Check if there was a problem with loading the file
                if ( $result === false )
                        // No strings, which probably means that the language file does not exist
                        $path           = JLanguage::getLanguagePath( $basePath, $this->_default);
                        $filename       = ( $extension == 'joomla' ) ?  $this->_default : $this->_default . '.' . $extension ;
                        $filename       = $path.DS.$filename.'.ini';

                        $result = $this->_load( $filename, $extension, false );


        return $result;


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Code Examples[edit]