
From Joomla! Documentation

< API15:JDispatcher
Revision as of 09:03, 12 May 2013 by JoomlaWikiBot (talk | contribs) (removing red link to edit, no existant pages)

The "API15" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.


Triggers an event by dispatching arguments to all observers that handle the event and returning their return values.

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trigger($event, $args=null, $doUnpublished=false)
Parameter Name Default Value Description
$event $event The event name
$args null $args An array of arguments
$doUnpublished false $doUnpublished [DEPRECATED]


array An array of results from each function call

Defined in[edit]



jimport( 'joomla.event.dispatcher' );

Source Body[edit]

function trigger($event, $args = null, $doUnpublished = false)
        // Initialize variables
        $result = array ();

         * If no arguments were passed, we still need to pass an empty array to
         * the call_user_func_array function.
        if ($args === null) {
                $args = array ();

         * We need to iterate through all of the registered observers and
         * trigger the event for each observer that handles the event.
        foreach ($this->_observers as $observer)
                if (is_array($observer))
                         * Since we have gotten here, we know a little something about
                         * the observer.  It is a function type observer... lets see if
                         * it handles our event.
                        if ($observer['event'] == $event)
                                if (function_exists($observer['handler']))
                                        $result[] = call_user_func_array($observer['handler'], $args);
                                         * Couldn't find the function that the observer specified..
                                         * wierd, lets throw an error.
                                        JError::raiseWarning('SOME_ERROR_CODE', 'JDispatcher::trigger: Event Handler Method does not exist.', 'Method called: '.$observer['handler']);
                                 // Handler doesn't handle this event, move on to next observer.
                elseif (is_object($observer))
                         * Since we have gotten here, we know a little something about
                         * the observer.  It is a class type observer... lets see if it
                         * is an object which has an update method.
                        if (method_exists($observer, 'update'))
                                 * Ok, now we know that the observer is both not an array
                                 * and IS an object.  Lets trigger its update method if it
                                 * handles the event and return any results.
                                if (method_exists($observer, $event))
                                        $args['event'] = $event;
                                        $result[] = $observer->update($args);
                                         * Handler doesn't handle this event, move on to next
                                         * observer.
                                 * At this point, we know that the registered observer is
                                 * neither a function type observer nor an object type
                                 * observer.  PROBLEM, lets throw an error.
                                JError::raiseWarning('SOME_ERROR_CODE', 'JDispatcher::trigger: Unknown Event Handler.', $observer );
        return $result;

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