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< API16:JInstaller
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Method to parse through a languages element of the installation manifest and take appropriate action.

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parseLanguages($element, $cid=0)
Parameter Name Default Value Description
$element $element The xml node to process
$cid 0 $cid Application ID of application to install to


boolean True on success

Defined in[edit]



jimport( 'joomla.installer.installer' );

Source Body[edit]

public function parseLanguages($element, $cid=0)
        if ( ! $element instanceof JXMLElement || ! count($element->children())) {
                // Either the tag does not exist or has no children therefore we return zero files processed.
                return 0;

        // Initialise variables.
        $copyfiles = array ();

        // Get the client info
        $client = &JApplicationHelper::getClientInfo($cid);

         * Here we set the folder we are going to copy the files to.
         * 'languages' Files are copied to JPATH_BASE/language/ folder
        $destination = $client->path.DS.'language';

         * Here we set the folder we are going to copy the files from.
         * Does the element have a folder attribute?
         * If so this indicates that the files are in a subdirectory of the source
         * folder and we should append the folder attribute to the source path when
         * copying files.
        $folder = (string)$element->attributes()->folder;
        if ($folder && file_exists($this->getPath('source').DS.$folder)) {
                $source = $this->getPath('source').DS.$folder;
        else {
                $source = $this->getPath('source');

        // Process each file in the $files array (children of $tagName).
        foreach ($element->children() as $file)
                 * Language files go in a subfolder based on the language code, ie.
                 *              <language tag="en-US">en-US.mycomponent.ini</language>
                 * would go in the en-US subdirectory of the language folder.
                 * We will only install language files where a core language pack
                 * already exists.
                if ((string)$file->attributes()->tag != '')
                        $path['src'] = $source.DS.$file;
                        if ((string)$file->attributes()->client != '')
                                // override the client
                                $langclient =& JApplicationHelper::getClientInfo((string)$file->attributes()->client, true);
                                $path['dest'] = $langclient->path.DS.'language'.DS.$file->attributes()->tag.DS.basename((string)$file);
                                // use the default client
                                $path['dest']   = $destination.DS.$file->attributes()->tag.DS.basename((string)$file);

                        // If the language folder is not present, then the core pack hasn't been installed... ignore
                        if (!JFolder::exists(dirname($path['dest']))) {
                        $path['src']    = $source.DS.$file;
                        $path['dest']   = $destination.DS.$file;

                 * Before we can add a file to the copyfiles array we need to ensure
                 * that the folder we are copying our file to exits and if it doesn't,
                 * we need to create it.
                if (basename($path['dest']) != $path['dest'])
                        $newdir = dirname($path['dest']);

                        if (!JFolder::create($newdir))
                                JError::raiseWarning(1, 'JInstaller::install: '.JText::_('FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY').' "'.$newdir.'"');
                                return false;

                // Add the file to the copyfiles array
                $copyfiles[] = $path;

        return $this->copyFiles($copyfiles);

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