Dealing with a problem user

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The best method of dealing with a problem user is not to delete the account. It is better to simply block them from logging in. This is true for a few different reasons.

First, it is temporary, so it can be used to suspend rather than ban. Second, if you are requiring your users to authenticate via email and you are not allowing duplicate email addresses, it will make it slightly more difficult for them to simply recreate their account or create a new account.

Blocking Access[edit]

  1. From the Main Administrator Screen (, click User Manager.
  2. Locate the problem user. The easiest way to do this if you have a large number of users is to type part of their name, user name, or email address in the search box and click Go.
  3. Select the user by placing a checkmark next to their name.
  4. At the top right of the screen, click Edit.
  5. On the lefthand side of the screen, towards the bottom, select the Yes radio button under Block User.
  6. At the top right of the screen, click Save.
  7. Visually verify the user is blocked by looking for both the Sucessfuly saved User message at the top of the screen, as well as the icon with the white X in a red circle under the Enabled column.