Developer Email lists

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Development Mailing Lists[edit]

Four mailing lists are available to help facilitate discussion amongst the Joomla! development community.

End users are encouraged to use the Joomla! forums to seek assistance and propose ideas for future development. Please understand that these mailing lists are strictly reserved for developers who create Joomla! extensions and write core code. In advance, thanks for respecting the guidelines.

Joomla General Development[edit]

This list relates to general topics about Joomla development, including development of third-party extensions. The types of discussions one might find here could include issues related to creating a router for a new component, or how to use the JForms API introduced in 1.6, or problems migrating a 1.0.x extension to Joomla! 1.5.

The Joomla General Development list is a place for developers in the community to interact with one another, to ask and answer questions, find collaborators on project ideas, and consider how changes in coming versions might impact extensions.

From these discussions, it is hoped that developers might summarize important topics and learning material and share that information with other developers on the Wiki.

If you are a Joomla! developer who creates third party extensions or participates in Joomla! core development, you are welcome to sign up for this email list at Joomla General Development list.

Joomla CMS Development[edit]

This list relates specifically to developing Joomla! core CMS code. Questions about impact on extensions should be asked in Joomla General Development list. End user questions on how to use the CMS or share ideas on improvements should be directed to the Joomla! forums.

Following the January 2009 Joomla! Developer Coordinator Summit, a list of "strongly desired" items for 1.6 was shared, along with an invitation to third party developers to take an item and contribute the feature to the core CMS. Discussions related to the development of those items are good examples of the type of discussion one might find in this list.

If you are a Joomla! developer who contributes core CMS code, including items on the "strongly desired" list, please sign up for the Joomla! CMS Development list.

Joomla Framework Development[edit]

This list is open to those who contribute code for the Joomla! core Framework. End user and extension development questions should not be asked on this list.

Discussions in this list will focus on core libraries, or new framework development. This group has a strong link with all that is going to be worked on in the group that will be working on research Joomla Framework Development list.

Joomla Bugsquad[edit]

The Joomla Bugsquad can be read by anyone, but is restricted for posting to working members of the Joomla! Bug Squad. If you are interested in joining the Joomla! Bugsquad, contact Ian or Mark.

List Etiquette[edit]

It is not anticipated that a strict set of rules will be needed for the developer lists. Participants are expected to comply with the Joomla Code of Conduct.

Time is a precious commodity for everyone. It is appreciated when questions are researched properly, prior to asking questions, and if community members help one another. It is especially appreciated when people take a bit of time to document a solution and share that with others on the Wiki.