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Revision as of 04:24, 19 September 2009 by Chris Davenport (talk | contribs) (Added categorisation.)

Google Highly Open Participation Contest 2009/2010[edit]

Currently in planning. Watch this space for further details.

Google Highly Open Participation Contest 2007/2008[edit]


The Google Highly Open Participation Contest for pre-university students (high school and secondary school students) took place between November 2007 and February 2008 and was aimed at encouraging young people to participate in open source projects. Joomla! is proud to have been invited to join with nine other open source organisations for this pilot program. Tomasz Dobrzyński was unanimously selected as Joomla!'s 2008 Grand Prize Winner of the Google Highly Open Participation Contest. Tomasz completed seven tasks during the competition.

  1. Translate part of the Installation Manual to a non-English Language - output - forum thread
  2. Create a Blog Entry Date Calendar Icon Plugin for Joomla! v 1.5 - output - forum thread
  3. Create a Joomla! v 1.5 Plugin to update Twitter status with article title when published - output - forum thread
  4. Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package for the Front Page Manager - output - forum thread
  5. Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Template Manager - output - forum thread
  6. Carry out GHOP unit test on the Joomla1 1.5 Test Package: Menu Manager - output - forum thread
  7. Implement Avatar/Gravatars for Joomla! v 1.5 - output - forum thread

Selecting a winner was difficult because there were many deserving contestants. In review, it was obvious that GHOP was more than a contest for Tomasz. He demonstrated what contributing to a free software community should be like. He discovered that learning is fun, he expressed joy in sharing what he produced with others, he was proud to contribute his gifts, and he was honoured to be a part of the Joomla! community. As is true with many other contestants, Tomasz inspired those of us who worked with the program and reminded us why we also contribute.

We congratulate Tomasz Dobrzyński on this well deserved honor and we thank him, and each of the others, who contributed to the Joomla! community.

All completed contest tasks are available for review and download.

See also: