How to determine if the user is viewing the front page

From Joomla! Documentation

Revision as of 16:04, 1 April 2011 by Chris Davenport (talk | contribs) (Ampersand is superfluous as Joomla 1.6 requires PHP 5.)

Joomla 1.0[edit]

In Joomla! 1.0.x it was possible to determine if the user was viewing the front page by using code like this:

if ($option == 'com_frontpage' || $option == '') {
	echo 'This is the front page';

Joomla 1.5[edit]

But in Joomla! 1.5.x the com_frontpage component is no longer present. This is how to achieve the same result in Joomla! 1.5.x

$menu = & JSite::getMenu();
if ($menu->getActive() == $menu->getDefault()) {
	echo 'This is the front page';

This works by checking to see if the current active menu item is the default one.

Joomla 1.6[edit]

For the 1.6 version, the conditional statement, became even shorter. This is the result for Joomla! 1.6.x

if(JRequest::getVar(‘view’) == “featured” ) : 
    echo 'This is the front page';
else :
    echo 'This is the other pages';

You can also use the default menu option to check the home page. If the menu is activated, the default item for menu would be home page.

$menu = JSite::getMenu();
if (JRequest::getInt(‘Itemid’) == $menu->getDefault()) : ?>
    echo 'This is the front page';
else : 
    echo 'This is the other pages';