Archived talk

Developing a MVC Component/Adding ACL

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Somehow the ACL doesn't work on Edit permission for me. It shows both Save & New and Save as Copy buttons when it has no create rights. Gone through the code twice, but cannot see anything wrong with it... Anybody else have same problem? --A2Ggeir 10:19, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

Did a little debug and it seems the values from function canDo() in Helper does not return the right values when it is in edit view.

Result when in listview:

  'core.admin' => NULL,
  'core.manage' => true,
  'core.create' => false,
  'core.edit' => true,
  'core.delete' => false,

Result when in editview:

  'core.admin' => NULL,
  'core.manage' => NULL,
  'core.create' => true,
  'core.edit' => true,
  'core.delete' => true,

--A2Ggeir 12:02, 7 December 2010 (UTC)

Delet dosn't work[edit]

when you want to delete a message it goes wrong and the message appears:

500 - Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten

Layout „default“ nicht gefunden

downt know why its not working... maybee some can check this out.


Ok, so I have carefully followed the tutorial to here. What I need to know now is HOW do I allow a user who only has edit.own rights to get to the admin edit for the component??

I tried for a while to create an edit page on the front end, but no luck and no help. It occurred to me that perhaps if I could not bring the mountain to Mohammed, I could get Mohammed access to the mountain. But how to do it without making every user an administrator? Even a manager has too much other access.

"In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice; in practice, there is" --Yogi Berra 10:14, 12 November 2011 (CST) Using v1.7