
Security and Performance FAQs

From Joomla! Documentation

Revision as of 18:03, 26 September 2011 by Cadrlp (talk | contribs) (not sure if this is meant to be a patch?)
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I"m not sure the proper way to post this[edit]

I"m not sure the proper way to post this.... <? echo "Hostname: ". @php_uname(n) .""."
"; if (function_exists( 'shell_exec' )) { echo "Hostname: ". @gethostbyname(trim(`hostname`))."
"; } else { echo "Server IP: ". $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] .""."
"; } echo "Platform: ". @php_uname(s) ." ". @php_uname(r) ." ". @php_uname(v) .""."
"; echo "Architecture: ". @php_uname(m) .""."
"; echo "Username: ". get_current_user () ." ( UiD: ". getmyuid() .", GiD: ". getmygid() ." )"."
"; echo "Curent Path: ". getcwd () .""."
"; echo "Server Type: ". $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . ""."
"; echo "Server Admin: ". $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] . ""."
"; echo "Server Signature: ". $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'] .""."
"; echo "Server Protocol: ". $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] .""."
"; echo "Server Mode: ". $_SERVER['GATEWAY_INTERFACE'] .""."
"; ?> adding the
at the end of each line cleans up the output greatly