Ajuda4.x:Item dos menus: Artigos arquivados
From Joomla! Documentation
O tipo de item dos menus para artigos arquivados mostra uma lista personalizada contendo artigos classificados por datas ou títulos.
Os artigos arquivados não estão mais publicados, mas ainda permanecem armazenados no site. Os artigos são arquivados usando a tela da lista dos artigos. Os artigos atribuídos à categoria "Não categorizados" não serão mostrados no item dos menus para artigos arquivados.
Como acessar
Menus → [nome do menu]
Para adicionar um item dos menus:
- clique no botão Novo na barra das ferramentas.
- clique no botão Selecionar em tipo do item dos menus.
- selecione o item Artigos.
- selecione o item Artigos arquivados.
Para editar um item dos menus:
- selecione um título a partir da lista
Captura da tela
Campos do formulário
- Título. O título que será mostrado para este item dos menus.
- Alias. O nome interno do item dos menus. Normalmente, você pode deixar em branco (vazio) e o Joomla! preencherá um valor padrão, fundamentado no título, em letras minúsculas e com traços em vez de espaços. Aprender mais.
Painel esquerdo
- Tipo do item dos menus. O tipo do item dos menus selecionado quando este item dos menu foi criado. Este pode ser um dos tipos principais de item dos menus ou um tipo de item dos menus fornecido por uma extensão instalada.
- Categoria. Seleciona uma ou mais categorias a partir da lista suspensa
- Link. O link gerado pelo sistema para este item dos menus. Este campo não pode ser alterado e é apenas informativo.
- Janela destino. Seleciona a partir da lista suspensa.
- Estilo do tema. Seleciona a partir da lista suspensa.
Painel direito
- Menu. Mostra em qual menu o link aparecerá.
Options include "Use Global". If this is selected, the setting from the Articles: Options will be used.
- [[File:Help-4x-Menus-Item-Articles-Article-Archived-archive-subscreen-en.png|600px|none]]
- Article Order.
- Oldest First: Articles are displayed starting with the oldest and ending with the most recent.
- Most Recent First: Articles are displayed starting with the most recent and ending with the oldest.
- Title Alphabetical: Articles are displayed by Title in alphabetical order (A to Z).
- Title Reverse Alphabetical: Articles are displayed by Title in reverse alphabetical order (Z to A).
- Author Alphabetical: Articles are displayed by Author in alphabetical order (A to Z).
- Author Reverse Alphabetical: Articles are displayed by Author in reverse alphabetical order (Z to A).
- Most Hits: Articles are displayed by the number of hits, starting with the one with the most hits and ending with the one with the least hits.
- Least Hits: Articles are displayed by the number of hits, starting with the one with the least hits and ending with the one with the most hits.
- Ordering: Articles are ordered according to the Order column entered in Articles.
- Date for Ordering. The date used when articles are sorted by date.
- Created: Use the article created date.
- Modified: Use the article modified date.
- Published: Use the article start publishing date.
- # Articles to List. Number of articles shown in the list.
- Filter Field. Show a text field in the Frontend where a user can filter the articles.
- Intro text Limit. The maximum number of characters of the Intro Text to show. If the Intro Text is longer than this value, it will be truncated to this length.
The Options determine how the article will show on the Frontend Site layout.
- [[File:Help-4x-Menus-Item-Articles-Article-Archived-options-subscreen-en.png|600px|none]]
- Intro Text.
- Show: The Intro Text of the article will show when you drill down to the article.
- Hide: Only the part of the article after the Read More break will show.
- Position of Article Info.
- Use Article Settings: Use the value from Articles: Edit.This setting allows you to have different options for different articles in the List layout.
- Above: Puts the article information block above the text.
- Below: Puts the article information block below the text.
- Split: Splits the article information block into 2 separate blocks. One block is above and the other is below the text.
- Article Info Title. Displays 'Details' on top of the article information block.
- Category. Show the Article's Category Title.
- Link Category. Show the title as a link to that Category.Note: You can set this to be either a blog or list layout with the Choose a Layout option in the Category Tab.
- Parent Category. Show the Article's Parent Category Title.
- Link Parent Category. Show the title as a link to that Category.Note: You can set this to be either a blog or list layout with the Choose a Layout option in the Category Tab.
- Linked Titles. Show the title as a link to the article.
- Author. Show the author of the Article.
- Link to Author's Contact Page. Show it as a link to a Contact layout for that author.Note: The author must be set up as a Contact. Also, a link will not show if there is an Author Alias value for the article.
- Create Date. Show the Article's create date.
- Modify Date. Show the Article's modify date.
- Publish Date. Show the Article's start publishing date.
- Navigation. Show a navigation link 'Prev' or 'Next' when you drill down to the article.
- Hits. Show the number of times the article has been displayed by a user.
Common Options
Quick Tips
- The Archived Articles layout allows you to access old or outdated articles that you don't want to remove entirely from the site.
- If you want to be able to see old articles in a category blog or list, create a category for older articles and move them to this category (instead of changing the Published state to Archived).
Related Information
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