
Permissions for User

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The User Permissions report shows a map of the exact permissions for any given user across all extensions on your Joomla installation.

How to access[edit]

  • Select Users  Manage from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Select the icon in the Permissions column for a specific user.



Column Headers[edit]

In the table containing the users from your Joomla! site, you will see different columns. Here you can read what they mean and what is displayed in that column.

  • Asset Title. The asset as we know it.
  • Asset Name. The asset as known internally.
  • Site Login. Allows users in the group to login to the Frontend site.
  • Administrator Login. Allows users in the group to login to the Backend Administrator site.
  • Offline Access. Allows users in the group to access the Frontend site when site is offline.
  • Super User. Allows users in the group to perform any action over the whole site regardless of any other perrmission settings.
  • Configure Options Only. Allows users in the group to edit the options (except permissions) of any extension.
  • Access Administration Interface. Allows users in the group to access all of the administration interface except Global Configuration.
  • Create. Allows users in the group to create any content in any extension.
  • Delete. Allows users in the group to delete any content in any extension.
  • Edit. Allows users in the group to edit any content in any extension.
  • Edit State. Allows users in the group to edit the state of any content in any extension.
  • Edit Own. Allows users in the group to edit any content they own in any extension.
  • Edit Custom Field Value. Allows users in the group to edit any value of custom fields submitted in any extension.
  • LFT. The left and right values in the hierarchy. See Using nested sets in English.
  • ID. This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Joomla. It is used to identify the item internally, and you cannot change this number. When creating a new item, this field displays "0" until you save the new entry, at which point a new ID is assigned to it.

List Filters[edit]

Near the top of the page you will see the filter bar shown in the Screenshot above. The functions are:

  • Search. Enter part of the asset name and press the Search icon to find matching assets. Press Clear to clear the search field and restore the list of assets.
  • Component. Filter by any installed component in Joomla.
  • Start Level. Start level of the item.
  • End Level. End level of the item.

Page Controls. When the number of items is more than one page, you will see a page control bar near the bottom of the page shown in the Screenshot above. The current page number being viewed has a dark colour background.

  • Start. Click to go to the first page.
  • Prev. Click to go to the previous page.
  • Page numbers. Click to go to the desired page.
  • Next. Click to go to the next page.
  • End. Click to go to the last page.


At the top of the page you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above. The functions are:

  • Options. Opens the Options window where settings such as default parameters can be edited.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.


At the bottom you will see the legend:


  • Not Allowed. Action not allowed.
  • Allowed. Action allowed.
  • Forbidden. Action forbidden.

Related Information[edit]