Tabelle in einen Beitrag einfügen
From Joomla! Documentation
Note: If you are using the TinyMCE editor please go to Extensions > Plugin Manager and ensure that on TinyMCE editor the Plugin Parameters Functionality is set to Extended. You will not be able to insert tables without this being set.
A table may be inserted into an Article as follows:
- Open the Article for editing either by:
- Click the Content > Article Manager menu item to go to the Article Manager, select the Article and click the Edit toolbar button.
- Clicking the Add New Article button in the Control Panel.
- If logged in to the Front-end, you have appropriate permissions and are viewing the Article you wish to edit: Click the Edit toolbar button.
- With the cursor, navigate to the location in the Article editor where you want to insert a table.
- Click the Inserts a new table editor toolbar button. The Insert/Modify table screen opens.
- Select the number of rows and columns and other parameters according to your requirements.
- Click the Insert button.
- Clicking the Cancel button closes the Insert/Modify table screen.
- A blank table will be inserted. Type content into individual cells by clicking in a cell and typing.
For further information about modifying tables please read: Modifying a table in an Article.