Ajouter un lien de menu à un article
From Joomla! Documentation
Comment ajouter un lien de menu depuis un article
Joomla! allows you to add your articles to a menu without leaving the article itself. This feature provides an efficient way to speed up the process of publishing articles by removing the need to close articles to then go to the Menu Manager.
Ce tutoriel couvre les étapes pour ajouter un lien de menu lors de la modification d'un article :
Modifier un article
Aller sur Contenu → Articles et cliquer sur un article existant pour le modifier ou.
Créez-en un nouveau en cliquant sur Nouveau dans la page Contenu → . et cliquez sur Enregistrer après avoir rempli le formulaire. Le bouton n'apparaîtra pas si l'article n'est pas enregistré.
Adding the Article to a Menu
Once you are ready to save your changes, choose the option Save to Menu
You will then be presented with the Menu: New Item page. Joomla will fill the Menu Title field but you can change it. Menu Item Type will already be set to Single Article. Remember to choose the correct Menu on the right for your item to appear in it.
Note: This tutorial covers adding a single article to a menu but you can also assign multiple articles to a Category Blog page by setting a specific category or sub-category.
Click Save&Close and you will be taken to the Menus: Items page for the menu you added the article to.
You should now see the article in the list of menu items.