
Joomla 5

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Joomla! 5.x
Why Use Joomla! 5?

Joomla! 5 is an Open Source, robust, secure and easy to use Content Management System (CMS) that enables website creators to produce powerful websites.

Maintaining content, the system and users is made easy by the use of software features that benefit from the skills and experience of a strong community of volunteers that have been maintaining and improving Joomla versions since 2005.

From a simple 5 page website to an enterprise solution serving thousands of pages, with its powerful layout overrides, custom fields and flexible modules built right in, your Joomla! website can be built to look and feel just the way you want it to.

What's new in Joomla! 5?

Dark Mode in Administrator: Joomla 5 boasts a more refined dark mode, not just for users but also for administrators. There's no Dark Mode configuration option in Joomla. The Dark Mode is activated automatically when your web browser supports it and switched on in your browser configuration.

Web Assets and Caching: Many improvements to the web asset caching

Schema.org Integration: Automatic activation of Schema.org data for organisation and site names enhances search engine optimisation.

Code Optimisation: Speed advancements are noticed due to automatic source code optimisation through the phpcs fixer.

PHP & Bootstrap Updates: Improved compatibility with PHP 8+ and an update to Bootstrap 5.3.2 ensures that the platform remains contemporary.

User Interface: Enhancements in dark mode for the Atum administrator template and the new Joomla modal window for select buttons promise a smoother user experience.

Tools & Plugins: The TinyMCE editor gets an update to 6.7 with added image alignment features. Several scheduled tasks have been moved to scheduler plugins, enhancing system performance.

Media Management: AVIF support in the media manager and the ability to exclude archived content from smart search indexing improve media handling capabilities.

Menu sorting: Allowing you to sort the menu in the way you want it.

Enhanced Security: Events have been migrated to their classes, and the removal of no longer functional Recaptcha plugins boosts security.

Modern Technologies: Internal code restructuring focuses on utilising more modern APIs. There's added JS Import map support for Web Asset Manager and deprecated fixes for php 8.2.

Extensions & Compatibility: Joomla 5 introduces Fontawesome 6.4, Codemirror 6, and has updated its Webauthn Library. Notably, Joomla now requires PHP 8.1, MySQL 8.0.13+, MariaDB 10.4+, and PostgreSQL 12+ for optimal performance.

Cleaner Code Base: Joomla 5 places a strong emphasis on code cleanliness. The transition from older APIs, removal of es5 support, and other heavily coded cleanups ensure the CMS runs efficiently.

Joomla 5 encapsulates modern requirements for a CMS, promising its users a combination of speed, security, and an intuitive user experience.

Joomla! 5 Documentation

This portal brings together information related specifically to Joomla! 5.

PLEASE NOTE: Joomla! 5 shares some of the same features as Joomla! 4 and if you have previously used Joomla! 4 you will find using Joomla! 5 is identical or very similar. Some links on this page will take you to Joomla! 4 documentation as revisions and additions are still underway. However, in such cases, much of the content will still be relevant.

Getting Started

Joomla! Site Administration

Joomla! Content

Joomla! Menus

Joomla! Modules

Joomla! Components

Joomla! Plugins and Extensions

The Joomla 4 Extensions; Install page has an Install from Web option. By default it lists the extensions available in the official Joomla! Extensions Directory for your current version.

Alternatively you can go to: Joomla! Extensions Directory

Joomla! Templates

Joomla! Development

For more detailed developer documentation, please refer to Joomla! Programmers Documentation
More resources are available at Joomla! Developer Network

Joomla! Troubleshooting