
Getting Started with Joomla!

From Joomla! Documentation

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This article was last edited by LornaS (talk| contribs) 13 years ago. (Purge)

Note that comments to self and proof readers + place markers for illustrations are placed in boxes with red borders like this one.

for an index on all pages - without any commentary -

What is in the Manual[edit]

The manual roughly divides into three parts after this introduction:-

  • Introducing Joomla! There is an initial section on how to get 'hands-on' a Joomla! site. Then there are practical instructions about how to do key tasks, such as adding and editing the content of the site. It starts with the assumption that you want to become familiar with editing and adding articles to an existing or sample site.
  • Setting up a Joomla! site This shows how a Joomla! Web site can be designed and created using the features that come with Joomla!
  • Doing more and learning more including the management of a Joomla! site. In addition, Joomla! allows a lot of extra development which makes it valuable for developers of complex or commercial sites. Features not available in the core Joomla! installation can be found amongst a large number of 'extensions'.

Who is it written for?[edit]

The initial introduction to Joomla! is aimed at people with limited experience of adding content to web sites. At the same time it is also intended to be useful for people with substantial experience of web site work but who have no experience of Joomla! You will need to identify your own pathway through the various short tutorials presented here and move on to other documentation as is appropriate to your own needs and experience. There are indications of the intended audience at the head of each article and some comment on what the inexperienced may find challenging.

This long list is left here for the time being - maybe it will be replaced by a shorter list in due course - maybe even a couple of sentances - it seems better to outline the 'level' in each section where appropriate

  • Novice: someone with no previous experience of adding content to a web site but has some basic email and editing skills. They need to know how to edit and add content. They have enough previous experience to follow step-by-step, hands-on instructions.
  • An experienced author - used to laying out text, but has not previously added content to a Joomla! Web site. They need to know how to do as much as possible with the editing facilities available on their web site and may move on to managing the structure of the site. This could include multi-lingual content
  • Beginner: A person with some computing background and has added to a static web site but is not familiar with HTML, scripting or CSS. They need to know how to do as much as possible with the editing facilities available on their web site. They may want to manage the site and even be able to develop an 'out-of-the-box site themselves.
  • Inexperienced with a CMS: Someone with previous experience with managing a static web site, has used HTML or a scripting language, but not a lot of background knowledge. They need to be familiar with the editing facilities but their focus is likely to be on managing a site and to develop an 'out-of-the-box site themselves.
  • Experienced: Someone who has used a CMS previously and needs to maintain a Joomla! site. They need a broad awareness of Joomla! and may move towards doing more developpment. They can explore the menus of a site with understanding.
  • Advanced: A person with experience of programming with PHP and can cope with modules and templates. They also need to be able to do backups, installations and upgrades.
  • Advanced: Someone with wider programming experience and who is technically aware. Experienced with Operating systems, files installing software and much more. Needs to be able to get started with Joomla! in order to develop and manage complex sites.

Introducing Joomla![edit]

Hands-on a Joomla! site[edit]

You must have the use of a Joomla! Web site to use 'hands-on' instructions. There are three possibilites:-

  1. Use a site that has already been set up. You are likely to want to do this if you are going to be adding content to an existing site and do not have much computing experience.
    If you are going to be adding content to an existing site and do not have much computing experience this is the best option.
  2. Install a copy of Joomla! (with sample content) on your own computer. This is sometimes referred to as a 'localhost' installation. It has some example content, so you can start to explore a Joomla! site before you have created one for your own content. Joomla! localhost with the sample data is best if you have enough experience to install it.
  3. Use the Demo on the Joomla! site. Test drive Joomla! free for 30 days; there is a free Quickstart video.
Not written yet. Aim at people who don't have access to an existing site and cannot dowload a localhost site or those who want to get a site hosted on http://www.cloudaccess.net/

Which one to use?

Hands-on adding and altering Articles[edit]

Articles are the building blocks of any Joomla! site and are the main way that content is organised and displayed. Everyone needs to know the basics of how to edit and create articles - so start here no matter what your previous experience.

  1. How to edit an Article - aimed at helping everyone to use the editor and understand what articles look like and where they are stored.
  2. How to create a new Article - with simple layouts and content - aimed at helping everyone to know how to add new a new article to a web site
  3. More on editing Articles - adding tables, links, pictures and changing layouts - aimed at helping everyone who wants to try any of these.

How to manipulate Articles[edit]

Say what this means at the getting started level - keep them in the right place - get the right layouts for the content - the right permissions for publishing - on the Front-end

  • How articles are published and managed using the Front-end
  • Sections, Categories and Menus

Setting up a Joomla! site[edit]

Assume Joomla already installed and this uses the one of the templates that ships with Joomla

intention to help someone with some background in web work to create a simple site using localhost. With references to other documentation but also make it self-contained.

The design of the content structure[edit]

  • Sections, categories and menus
  • More about managing articles using the Back-end of Joomla!

Appearance and layout[edit]

  • Appearance use templates

Doing more and learning more[edit]

There is more to learn about Joomla. This part of the Manual does not have so many 'hands-on' sections.

It introduces more aspects of Joomla! with links to further, and sometimes much more advanced, documetation.

Intention here is for a lot of links with a small amount of commentary - aimed at the experienced.

General administration[edit]

The administrator pages - Back-end

Brief description - and then references to other material because this is covered in admin manual. From the view point of looking after the site

Other things here that are useful for the experienced - links

Links to useful docs

Links and references[edit]

This will have:-

  • Links to other helpful pages at different levels of user skill - with comments
  • List of links referred to in various places

--Lorna Scammell December 2010