Développeurs web

From Joomla! Documentation

Revision as of 08:18, 16 April 2015 by Sandra97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Développeurs")
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En tant que développeur web, vous n'êtes peut-être pas très préoccupé par l'apparence visuelle d'un site web, votre tâche étant de mettre en place des fonctionnalités. Vous avez certainement une bonne connaissance du HTML et des CSS, mais également une maîtrise du Javascript, PHP et tout un éventail d'autres langages. Si vous êtes un nouvel utilisateur Joomla, vous aurez besoin de support sur le développement ou la personnalisation d'extensions Joomla! (composants, modules, plugins, templates et langues). Vous aurez besoin d'informations sur l'API du framework de Joomla! et sur la façon de l'utiliser et vous ferez probablement un large usage des exemples de bonnes pratiques en matière de code. Une solide compréhension des questions de sécurité sous Joomla! est également importante pour vous.

Qu'est-ce-que Joomla! et pourquoi devrais-je m'y intéresser ?

Joomla! is the second most popular Content Management System in the world according to CMS Crawler, and is freely available to download and install. Released under the General Public License v2 and above - read more at Extensions and GPL, anybody can work with all parts of the Joomla! CMS, make changes, customise it to fit their needs, and use it for commercial projects.

The world of website design is rapidly moving towards dynamically served content and away from static websites - Joomla! is well equipped to meet these needs and has the added bonus of a vibrant, enthusiastic community and a phenomenal amount of extensions, allowing you to extend the basic Joomla! installation in a multitude of ways - from creating social networks to ecommerce stores, corporate websites to intranets.

Once you understand the basics of how Joomla! works, it is quick and easy to learn how to extend it through writing custom components, adapting existing code, and creating your own templates.

Par quoi dois-je commencer ?

Firstly, see if there are any Joomla! User Groups near you, or a Joomla!Day event you could attend. Having a community of people you can talk to or ask questions of is really helpful in the process of learning how to use any new system. It often saves hours, if not days of fiddling or researching to just ask the question and have someone give you an answer (or advise where to find the answer).

Trouvez le groupe d'utilisateur le plus proche de chez vous

Trouvez le JoomlaDay le plus proche de chez vous

Next, create yourself an account on the Joomla! forums. While the forums are user to user support, there are a LOT of users, and a lot of experienced users for that matter. Make sure you take the time to read the posting guidelines at the top of the forums before you post, and include all the relevant information.

While you're here, see if you might be able to help someone else. Good practice is to answer one post for every post you make asking for help, as a minimum.

Visitez les forums Joomla!

Next, create yourself an account here on the Joomla! Documentation Project. Newcomers are a great help with documentation, as you often see things with a 'fresh pair of eyes' and can identify mistakes or pick up errors easier.

Just click on the link in the top right, and create your account. If you find any documentation that needs updating or reviewing, simply log in, edit the appropriate item, and submit your revisions. Likewise if you can add any examples (especially to coding/API related documentation) you can do this too!

Comment puis-je styliser un site Joomla! pour qu'il ressemble à mes visuels ?

Commencer avec le contenu

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This article is tagged because it NEEDS REVIEW. You can help the Joomla! Documentation Wiki by contributing to it.
More pages that need help similar to this one are here. NOTE-If you feel the need is satistified, please remove this notice.

Content is simple to use and manage with Joomla!. This can be done if you are the administrator by using the content manager in the control panel. There are different types of content that can be used.

The 'article' is one type of content. This is usually a piece of text that can be displayed on a portion of the page. It can also include pictures, another type of content, or other links to internal or external sites.

You can also upload pictures and videos to use on your website. As long as the content is there in the server side, it can be embedded or linked to be displayed on your page. It can also work with articles to be placed along with text or just a stand-alone piece of content.

Trouver des extensions pour la satisfaction constante de votre client !

This Article Needs Your Help

This article is tagged because it NEEDS REVIEW. You can help the Joomla! Documentation Wiki by contributing to it.
More pages that need help similar to this one are here. NOTE-If you feel the need is satistified, please remove this notice.

There are many extensions for Joomla! that will help you to create a website that will fit your client's needs. These can be found here. An extension can be easy to find. They are separated by category and contain small descriptions to let you know if they suite your needs. They also have in-depth descriptions once clicked on and usually have tutorials on how they can be used. There is also a rating system based on other users to give you a better idea of the quality of the extension. This makes things user friendly and helps in making sure that the user gets what they are looking for.

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