Projeto de Tutoriais para Joomla 4
From Joomla! Documentation
This Joomla! Documentation Wiki Tutorial Project is focused on providing tutorials to help Beginners and Developers with the main changes of Joomla 4. The Joomla Docs Wiki is collaborative, community-contributed and maintained, anyone can get involved in the Joomla 4 Tutorials Project! There are many small tasks in this JDOC project that when combined together will help produce high quality tutorials for beginner and intermediate Joomla! developers. Show others your interest in the Joomla project, sign up to help with this Docs Wiki Project on the discussion page.
Tutoriais do Joomla 4 mantidos
For Newcomers
- Adding a New Article
- Deleting an Article
- Restricting access to an Article
- Scheduling the Publication of an Article
- How to Archive an Article
- How to Show a Calendar Month List of Archived Articles Using a Module
- How To Use Content Tags in Joomla
- New in Joomla 4.1
- JOOA11Y - The Joomla Accessibility Checker
- Cookie Warning Tutorial
For Upgraders
For Maintainers
- Adding a New Menu
- Adding a menu link in an article
- How to Create a Menu Item to View Archived Articles
- Adding a Custom Administrator Menu
- WebAuthn Passwordless Login
- Multi-factor Authentication
- Workflow
- Como Utilizar a Nova Gestão de Cabeçalho HTTP
- CLI Database Exporter Importer
- Improved Override Management
- Using Bootstrap Components in Joomla 4
For Developers
- Creating a Component for Joomla 4
- Creating a Plugin for Joomla 4
- Adding an API to a Joomla Component
- Creating a simple Module for Joomla 4
- Upgrading a component from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4
- MVC Anatomy
- SCSS and Sass
- Configurar o seu ambiente local
- Setting up Eclipse PDT 2020 and Git for Pulls
- Visual Studio Code Primer
- Ativos da Web
- Adding changelog to your manifest file
- Namespacing in Joomla 4
- Dependency Injection in Joomla 4
- Moving Joomla to Prepared Statements
- Convenções de espaço de nomes no Joomla 4
- Writing a CLI Application with the new Console Package
- How to build a cloud file system plugin for the new Media Manager
- Joomla 4's API: There are several pages documentation which you can find linked in this Category on the Wiki
For Documenters
- Joomla 4 Help Screens
- Joomla 4 Chunks
- Joomla 4 Doc Pages
- Joomla 4 Help Pages
- Joomla 3 Doc Pages (for comparison)
- JDOC Manual
=====Joomla 4.x Extensions - Simple working examples explained=====
Lista de Tarefas
Estas são algumas das 'tarefas' para começar este projetoː
- Como Migrar de 3.x para 4.x
- Como utilizar a nova 'Publicação do Ritmo de Trabalho'
- Como criar um modelo acessível
- Como testar a acessibilidade de uma extensão
- O 'Gestor de Media' no Joomla 4
- Desenvolver um componente MVC
- Joomla 4 - Ecrãs de Ajuda
- What's changed in Joomla 4? (vs backwards compatibility)
- Custom Admin User Dashboards
- Plugin: System - Additional Accessibility Features
- Upgrading Joomla 4: Pre Update Check
- Making a language pack for Joomla 4 (J3 version)
- Cassiopeia Template Folders and Files
- Cassiopeia Template Customisation - using the Edit Style form and user.css
- Cassiopeia Template Simplified - A Case Study - a simple template based on Cassiopeia
- Community Magazine: Cassiopeia Template – Tips & Tricks
- Atum Template - Back End Template for Joomla 4
- HTML Mail Templates
Joomla 4 User Manual Experiment
- Getting Started
- Problems
- Dashboards
- Articles
- Workflows
- Fields
- Media
- Modules
- Menus
- Banners
- Contacts
- Multilingual Associations
- News Feeds
- Smart Search
- Tags
- Users
- System
Other Sources
Junte-se a Este Projeto JDOC
- Just Register and login on this wiki to get started.
- Already registered, sign up to help this particular JDOC Project on the Talk page with your wiki signature ('4' tildes '~~~~') and task(s). Make sure you check the 'Watch this page' box or alternatively, you can add the project page to your Watchlist. It will keep you up to date on the project.
- Por exemplo:
- ~~~~ - categorisation
- ~~~~ - technical review
- ~~~~ - project tasks page
- ~~~~ - update project tasks page, technical reviewer
- Not sure you can help this project, or think you can help somewhere else? Join a different JDOC Project! The Joomla! Docs Wiki is a collaborative community-contributed resource of the Joomla! project. Everyone's help is appreciated and needed to maintain it.
Want to help but don't know how?
If you would like to contribute to the Wiki and just don't know where to start, please contact a member of the Documentation Team.
Ajude a Melhorar o Joomla! - Wiki da Documentação
- Suggest ideas and give your feedback for future articles or improvements to existing content. Post your thoughts on our Roadmap talk page.
- Add or edit pages list in the Portal pages.
- Work on one of the Joomla! Docs Wiki pages that are in need of additional content.
Qual é o objetivo deste projeto?
To create, improve and maintain a high quality set of developer tutorials.
Eu tenho de aderir a este projeto para contribuir nas páginas do 'Tutorial'?
Not at all, but it helps to centralized the effort and keep duplicate work to a minimum on the Docs Wiki. See below, How much time...
Eu tenho de registar-me neste projeto?
You are letting others know how you will contribute, even if it is in a small way. It will also add the discussion page to your Watchlist if you check the 'Watch this page' before you post. This is so you will receive news and more user notices of involvement in the project.
Quanto tempo é que é preciso? Eu estou muito ocupado agora.
Your time and contributions are always appreciated! One small task might take only 5 mins a week of time (e.g. adding one page in a Tutorial series to your Watchlist to track changes). See above, Do I have to join to contribute...
Membros deste Projeto
- Sandra Decoux
- Tom Hutchison
- Martijn Maandag
- Mike Brandner, Teamlead JDocs
- George Wilson, Joomla 4 Release Lead
- Patrick Jackson
O 'Projeto de Tutoriais para Joomla 4 do JDOC' foi iniciado no sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2018, num esforço para beneficiar os utilizadores do Joomla! - Documentação Wiki.