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To make it easy to find the documentation information you need, read the profiles below and choose the one that most accurately describes you and how you relate to Joomla! This will take you to an area where the documentation is organised according to the goals that you are most likely to require help with. Remember, there is a lot of overlap in the documentation for each of these roles; they are not mutually exclusive; so just choose one that seems to be nearest to your own role even if the fit is not exact. To make these user profiles more concrete and so help writers to target the material more accurately, we are looking at creating personas for each of the profiles.

Joomla! dokumentatsiooni profiilid


As someone who has not used Joomla! before, you need to know how to get started. Maybe you have a friend or a neighbour who uses Joomla! and you want a Joomla! web site of your very own. Maybe you have a small business or a club or a community that needs a web presence, and you want to use Joomla! for that purpose. Maybe you are a seasoned Information Technology professional, but you have never used Joomla! before. If so, you are just starting a very enjoyable journey and we warmly welcome you to Joomla!


As a developer you are tasked with altering or extending the functionality of Joomla! or one of its extensions. You will be proficient in a range of programming languages, including PHP, but may be less familiar with such things as JavaScript or CSS. If you are new to Joomla! you will need information about the Joomla! Framework API and how to use it and will probably make extensive use of best practice example code.

Joomla! administraator

As a website administrator you might be concerned about the visual appearance of a website but will pass responsibility for making changes and improvements to a web designer. Similarly, when changes to functionality are required you will contract a web developer to do the necessary work. As a website administrator you are responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the website. Activities might include ensuring that the site is properly backed up; managing user access; possibly installing extensions. You will also have responsibility for maintaining the security of the website.


As a Web designer you are concerned with the visual appearance and user functionality of a website.

For example, you will want to know how to alter the visual style of an article but will usually not be concerned about the article content or how that content is entered and maintained. Your primary focus is the visitor experience. You will be knowledgeable about HTML and CSS but might have only rudimentary programming experience and so could need extra support when dealing with Javascript and PHP.
Your knowledge of Joomla! itself may not be advanced as you may have to deal with a wide range of content management systems while working for a range of clients. You may be contracted to supply just a template or set of templates, or you may be asked to deliver a complete working website. You are likely to be increasingly concerned with issues of accessibility and will probably want to ensure that your designs pass various standard tests.

Joomla! koodi kaastöötaja

As a Joomla! Code Contributor... You're awesome. You'll be helping to fix bugs in the CMS requiring the knowledge of how to use Joomla! Code and GitHub as well as creating unit tests and new features.


As someone charged with evaluating Joomla! for your requirements, you want to find out as quickly as possible whether Joomla! is a good fit with your project.

Sisu looja

As a content creator you might have only a rudimentary knowledge of Joomla! Just sufficient for you to carry out your job of writing, assembling and publishing content on the website. You will need information about how to achieve specific goals associated with content creation starting with very basic information such as how to use a WYSIWYG editor. After becoming more proficient you might benefit from information about how to make use of some of the more advanced features that will streamline routine tasks.


As an editor you will be responsible for reviewing the work of content creators, amending it where necessary.


As a publisher you will be responsible for ensuring that content on your website is kept up-to-date and relevant to your target audience. You might commission content creators and liaise with editors to ensure consistency and good organisation of the content.

Dokumentatsiooni looja

As a documentor you have the unenviable task of creating material for a wide range of readers from beginning users to advanced professional developers. You will need to know how to use various tools (such as this wiki) and you will need to read guidelines and other meta documents. You will probably need to update those documents over time too.


As a web developer you may not be too concerned about the visual appearance of a website as you are tasked with producing functionality. You will probably have a good knowledge of HTML and CSS but will also be proficient in Javascript, PHP and a range of other languages. If you are new to Joomla, you will need support in developing or customising Joomla! extensions (components, modules, plugins, templates and languages). You will need information about the Joomla! Framework API and how to use it and will probably make extensive use of best practice example code. A strong understanding of Joomla! security issues is also important to you.


As a tester you are tasked with performing a predetermined sequence of operations in Joomla! and carefully observing and recording the results where they deviate from those expected. You may not necessarily be a developer, but you will probably be quite familiar with Joomla! itself.


As a translator you are asked to take on the responsibility of translating all the discrete strings found in the Joomla! front and back-ends as well as creating the necessary translation files. You do not have to be a Joomla! expert to contribute to the translation teams, and you do not have to have any development experience, although many of our translation workgroup members are experts and developers. You will need to know or learn how to use the translation debugging mode and how to assemble your translated strings into a translation file. You will also need to know or learn how to package translation files into an installable translation pack.


As a trainer you are tasked with producing and running training courses and you will need to create training materials to support your learners. You are likely to have a thorough working knowledge of the aspects of Joomla! that are the subject of your training courses, but you might need to refresh your knowledge from time to time, especially as new developments take place. You will want to have access to ready-made training materials that you can adapt for your specific circumstances.