
Summer of Code 2008 Project Ideas

From Joomla! Documentation

This page has been archived. This page contains information for an unsupported Joomla! version or is no longer relevant. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.

This page contains a list of project proposal ideas from the Joomla! Project (community members). The mentoring organization has written down a non-exhaustive list of project ideas to guide the students into selecting a suitable idea.

This list will be updated on a regular basis. Feel free to post any other ideas into into the Google Summer of Code 2008 Forum Area or use the Google Summer of Code mail list (don't forget to register in the forum and list before you post).

We would kindly ask you not to add new projects here unless you are one of the project mentors. Please discuss these on the list/forum mentioned above.



Archived:Code 01000 Article Versioning
Archived:Code 01010 Multi-site implementation
Archived:Code 01020 Whiteboard component
Archived:Code 01030 Image Manager improvements
Archived:Code 01040 Create a forms component/extension
Archived:Code 01050 Export and Import Tools
Archived:Code 01060 Searching Improvements
Archived:Code 01070 Tagging for various content-types
Archived:Code 01080 User Registration and Management

Libraries/Framework related[edit]

Archived:Code 02000 MultiDB support
Archived:Code 02010 Create an PHP API for using mootools.


Archived:Code 03000
Archived:Code 03010


Archived:Code 04000 Deploy Triplify for Joomla! v 1.5, Semantic Web
Archived:Code 04010 Semantic Web: Linked Data

Unit testing[edit]

Archived:Code 05000 Improve Unit Test Coverage
Archived:Code 05010 Create Web-Based Unit Test Runner


Archived:Code 06000 Comments; threaded and not threaded, support for various content-types, not just articles
Archived:Code 06010 SEF URL Plugins
Archived:Code 06020 Create a plugin for TinyMCE that makes it easy for end users to choose which add-ons they want

CiviCRM Projects[edit]

Archived:Code 08001  CiviCRM integration: Allow organizational updating from Joomla! front end
Archived:Code 08002  CiviCRM integration: Develop a suite of front end extensions for CiviCRM data
Archived:Code 08003  CiviCRM features: Develop a CiviSync module that can run scheduled data sync operations between external data sources
Archived:Code 08004  CiviCRM features: Develop a generic CMS integration web service API for CiviCRM and have Joomla! use it
Archived:Code 08005  CiviCRM features: Modify the import feature in CiviCRM so that it can accept any field from any module in the import
Archived:Code 08006  CiviCRM look and feel: Give some of Joomla!'s great attention to UI design and layout to CiviCRM


Archived:Code 07000 Multi-lingual support
Archived:Code 09001 Transliteration of aliases for SEF urls


Archived:Code 07010 Error Page Handling
Archived:Code 07020 Data Portability
Archived:Code 07030 Facebook Integration
Archived:Code 07040 Create an download extension for Joomla! 
Archived:Code 07050 Create an extension to register Joomla! tasks/projects
Archived:Code 07060 One-click upgrade for Joomla!