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<noinclude>{{redirectstohere|Absolute Beginners Guide to Joomla!|Novices|What is Joomla}}<!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS! --></noinclude>
If you do nothing else, take time to complete the [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task048/joomla_15_quickstart.pdf Joomla! v 1.5 Quick Start Guide] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299418/Joomla-15-Quickstart Scribd], written by [[GHOP students/Kevin_Hayne|Kevin Hayne]]. As you read the guide, walk through the [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task167/index.html video accompaniment] created by [[GHOP students/Michael Casha|Michael Casha]]. This is a well developed and efficient training guide and video set.
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=Absolute Beginners Guide to Joomla!=
Before You Start Creating Your Joomla! Site</translate>|Portal:Beginners/Start Creating Your Joomla Site|}}
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Welcome to Joomla!, a leading open source Content Management System (CMS) platform.  You have made a ''really, really'' great choice to use Joomla! for your website. Joomla! is a well-tested, extensible and effective tool supported by a very active and friendly community of developers and users.
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Keep Your Joomla! Site Secure</translate>|Portal:Beginners/Keep Your Joomla Site Secure|}}
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Do you want to get started with Joomla!, but you have no idea where to begin? Are you concerned that maybe you don't have the ''technical skills'' needed to be successful? Does it all seem ''a bit'' overwhelming? If so, you have come to the right place. The '''Absolute Beginner's Guide to Joomla!''' is just for you. This guide is intended for those who have ''no clue'' where to begin but really want to learn how to use Joomla!. Helping you become successful installing, configuring, backing up and restoring, upgrading, and extending Joomla! is exactly the point of this guide.
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Understand How Joomla! Works</translate>|Portal:Beginners/Understand How Joomla Works|}}
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Siapa yang ingin berkarir dan berprestasi dalam dunia kerja
Ini ada sedikit pengetahuan :
Pertanyaan yang paling sering diajukan dalam wawancara kerja
Pertanyaan ini menjadi mudah
dijawab apabila anda menjadi diri sendiri, mengenali diri sendiri dan
mempromosikan diri. Jangan hanya asal mengulang dari apa yang tertulis
di cv anda, karena pewawancara pasti telah membacanya.
Menurut "Ron Fry" dalam bukunya yang berjudul "101 Toughest Interview
Question, menyarankan agar kita selalu terfokus pada a. Pencapaian
terbaik di tempat anda berkerja sebelumnya
b. Kekuatan yang tercermin
dalam diri anda dalam pencapain tersebut
c. Bagaimana kekuatan anda
berguna untuk posisiyang anda lamar
berikan contoh kinerja dan sifat anda selama ini yang dapat membuat
mereka merasa anda adalah orang yang cocok untuk posisi yang
Bentuk lain dari pertanyaan ini adalah " Gambarkanlah diri anda dalam
lima kata!" atau " Kata-kata apa saja yang dapat mewakili anda ?" dan
anda harus menjelaskan dengan menunjukan sikap sikap positif seperti
perkerja keras, pantang menyerah, dapat berkerja dalam tekanan sambil
menjelaskan bagaimana hal tersebut menggambarkan diri anda.
Hal yang perlu diingat mengenai pertanyaan ini adalah jangan
membicarakan kelebihan yang anda miliki namun tidak ada kaitannya sama
sekali dengan posisi yang sedang ditawarkan.
misalnya, apabila posisi yang ditawarkan andalah marketing tonjolkan
kelebihan-kelebihan anda dibidang sosialisasi seperti mudah bergaul,
selalu berpikir positif, pantang menyerah, senang berkawan dan lain
Pada dasarnya pertannyaan ini sering ditanyakan dan tujuannya bukan
untuk menjatuhkan anda, tetapi lebih kepada mengetahui bagaimana anda
mengatasi kelemahan dan kekurangan tersebut, jadi pastikan setelah anda
menyampaikan kelemahan atau kekurangan anda, jelaskan pula bagaimana
mengatasi kelemahan tersebut, dan pastikan kelemahan yang anda sebutkan
tersebut tidak terlalu merugikan anda.
Anda tidak perlu memilih kelemahan anda yang dapat menghancurkan
kesempatan anda dan alihkan kelemahan anda menjadi kekuatan Berikut ini
merupakan beberapa kekurangan dan kelemahan yang nyata yang dapat
menjadi kekuatan: a. Saya Cenderung Perfeksionis. b. Saya terlalu
banyak menuntut pada diri sendiri.
Hati-hati dalam
menjawab pertanyaan ini, jangan pernah menjelek-jelekan atasan anda
atau perusahaan tempat dulu anda berkerja. Sebaiknya berikan jawaban
seperti " Tidak adanya kersempatan pengembangan karir" atau " Ingin
mencoba hal baru"
Anda juga harus bersiap-siap apabila ditanyakan mengenai orang/ teman
yang dapat dihubungi di tempat anda berkerja dulu. Pertanyaan ini
bisasanya untuk mengethaui apakah anda meninggalkan perkerjaan yang
dulu baik-baik. Jadi sangat penting untuk punya teman baik di tempat
anda berkerja dulu.
Karena ini adalah masalah yang peka
dan penting, ada sebaiknya anda mempersiapkannya terlebih dahulu.
Banyak pakar perekrutan kerja menganjurkan anda menaikan 20-30% dari
gaji terakhir yang anda terima, karena kebanyakan para pewawancara
menjadikan gaji terakhir anda sebagai patokan bagi pemberi kerja yang
Anda harus mengemas diri anda layak menerima gaji tersebut, jangan
memasang gaji terlalu tinggi maupun terlalu rendah karena dapat
merugikan diri anda sendiri. Anda dapat berkonsultasi kepada teman yang
memiliki profesi sama pada kota atau wilayah yang sama, karena kota
yang berbeda memiliki standar gaji yang berbeda pula.
Biasanya pertanyaan ini diberikan
oleh pewawancara dari perusahaan-perusahaan besar, dan biasanya mereka
memiliki alamat website sehingga memudahkan anda untuk mempelajari
mengenai perusahaan tersebut.
Pastikan anda mempelajari mengenai perusahaan mereka dan dapat menjawab
mengenai perusahaan pewawancara sehingga mengesankan anda menaruh minat
yang lebih terhadap perusahaan tersebut.
Hindari memberikan jawaban " Saya meilih perkerjaan ini karena saya
butuh perkerjaan" atau " Saya memilih perusshaan ini kerena memiliki
reputasi yang baik" tetapi jelaskan dan ditambahkan sedikit pujian
mengapa perusahaan ini memiliki reputasi baik di mata masyarakat
sehingga memberikan kesan anda telah mengenali perusahaan mereka.
Pertanyaan ini bisanya untuk melihat tingkat keseriusan dan minat anda terhadap posisi
yang ditawarkan, ataukah anda hanya menjadikannya batu loncatan sambil
menunggu mendapatkan perkerjaan yang lebih baik. Anda sebaiknya
menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan etos anda berkerja, dan nilai-nilai anda
berkerja secara profesional serta stategi-strategi anda untuk mencapai
hal tersebut.
Pertanyaan ini adalah untuk mengukur tingkat percaya diri seseorang,
karena itu anda harus dapat memaparkan kelebihan-kelebihan anda yang
berguna bagi perusahaan ini dengan percaya diri dan tulus. Hati-hati
dalam mengungkapkan jangan sampai anda dianggap terlalu sombong atau
Contoh pertanyaan-pertanyaan aneh yang dimaksud seperti: " Apabila anda
dilahirkan kembali dan dan disuruh memilih antara menjadi kucing atau
menjadi pohan, apa yang anda pilih?" Pertanyaan ini adalah untuk
menguji peserta wawancara dalam menghadapi masalah yang sulit, atau
jalan buntu masalah yang tak terduga.
Untuk menyiasati pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti ini anda harus bersikap
tenang, menjawab yang menurut anda benar dan berikan alasan anda secara
percaya diri. contoh: saya memilih menjadi pohon agar bisa melindingi
bumi dan lain-lain.
Tips berbusana menghadapi wawancara kerja bagi wanita
Tips berbusana bagi wanita
1. Gunakan blus berbahan katun dan tidak tembus pandang, berwarna
terang atau putih.
2. Gunakan Blazer berwana gelap dan polos seperti hitam atau biru atau
coklat, pas dibadan.
3. Rok maksimal 5 cm diatas lutut, tidak terlalu ketat. Untuk celana
jangan menggunakan bahan jins, berbahan cutbrai ekstrim.
4. Sepatu berwarna hitam atau gelap, model klasik, bertumit runcing dan
nyaman saat digunakan.
5. Rambut rapi dan bersih, tidak berminyak, dan apabila di cat tidak
menggunakan warna-warna highlight (warna menyolok).
6. Hindari penggunaan make up berlebihan dan terlalu tebal. Lipstik
menggunakan warna natural disesuaikan dengan warna pakaian.
7. Tidak
menggunakan Parfum yang berlebihan. Tidak memiliki bau badan dan bau
8. Hindari penggunaan aksesori berlebihan, dan menggunakan anting
terlalu banyak dan besar. Jangan menggunakan perhiasan terlalu
1. Kesegaran Fisik dan Mental
Usahakan untuk beristirahat dan relaks sebelum wawancara, kalau perlu
sejak sehari sebelum tanggal wawancara. Anda bisa misalnya santai di
rumah sambil melakukan hobi Anda. Pergi ke salon, memasak, dan
sebagainya. Pokoknya, hindari melakukan hal-hal yang justru akan
membuat tegang saraf Anda. Tujuannya adalah agar keesokan harinya Anda
merasa segar dan siap menghadapi wawancara dengan kondisi fisik dan
mental yang prima.
2. Performance atau Penampilan
Pilih busana dengan warna-warna dasar,
seperti hitam, putih, krem,cokelat, atau biru tua, sehingga mudah dipadupadankan. Agar busana yang Anda kenakan sesuai dengan bentuk tubuh, ada baiknya Anda mengenali lebih dulu bentuk tubuh Anda. Secara umum, bentuk tubuh manusia ada tiga, yakni oversize, mungil, dan proposional.
Hindari rok yang sempit dan supermini,
karena akan mengganggu kenyamanan Anda. Untuk blus, hindari belahan dada yang rendah dan bahan yang tipis. Dan jika Anda menganakan blazer, hindari memilih blazer yang sangat longgar, atau sebaliknya, blazer yang sangat ketat. Kenakan blazer yang pas di tubuh Anda.
Untuk dandanan dan aksesoris,
usahakan jangan berlebihan, karena akan menimbulkan kesan suka berhias
daripada serius bekerja. Satu lagi, jangan mengenakan celana panjang
(sekalipun rapi dan berbentuk jas), karena akan menimbulkan kesan tidak
sopan. Ingat, performance atau penampilan saat wawancara merupakan
tahap awal perusahaan menilai kepribadian diri calon karyawannya.
3. Etika Wawancara
Terkadang, Anda grogi ketika wawancara, sehingga etika wawancara pun
tak sempat lagi terpikir di benak Anda. Padahal, etika sangatlah
penting dan dapat menambah poin untuk diri Anda. Sikap duduk, misalnya.
Duduklah dengan tenang dengan tangan di atas pangkuan. Usahakan
punggung tidak menyender ke kursi yang Anda duduki.
Saat berbicara, biasakan menggunakan
�Saya�, ketimbang menggunakan �Aku,� karena ini menunjukkan kesan Anda
seorang yang arogan. Jawablah dengan jujur setiap pertanyaan dari si
pewawancara. Jangan ragu untuk bertanya saat Anda diberi kesempatan
bertanya. Biasanya, si pewawancara menjelaskan tidak secara detail,
hanya pokok-pokoknya saja.
Satu lagi, jika Anda sedang mengunyah
permen, usahakan permen tersebut dibuang lebih dulu. Jangan masuk ke
ruang wawancara dengan mulut asyik mengunyah permen. Ini akan
menimbulkan kesan bahwa Anda tidak serius.
4. Survei Dahulu Profile Perusahaan
Jika memungkinkan, sebelum memenuhi panggilan wawancara, Anda mencoba
mencari tahu profil perusahaan yang mengundang Anda. Jika Anda memiliki
teman di perusahaan tersebut, mintalah gambaran singkat mengenai bidang
usaha perusahaan. Tanyakan pula, siapa nanti yang akan mewawancarai
Anda. Dan yang sangat penting adalah posisi yang nanti akan Anda
tempati. Sedetail atau sesingkat apa pun keterangan yang Anda peroleh,
itu merupakan bahan masukan yang sangat berharga bagi diri Anda.
5. Datang Tepat Waktu
Perhatikan benar-benar tanggal dan waktu wawancara. Sediakan beberapa
menit untuk merapikan diri lebih dahulu, sebelum masuk ke ruang
wawancara. Yakinlah bahwa diri Anda tampil serapi dan sebersih mungkin.
Datanglah tepat pada waktunya, bahkan kalau mungkin, datanglah beberapa
menit sebelumnya. Misalnya jadwal wawancara pukul 10 pagi, usahakan
Anda sudah hadir 30 menit sebelumnya. Jadi, Anda tidak terburu-buru
menyiapkan diri.
Ada hal positif dan nilai plus, jika
Anda datang lebih awal atau tepat waktu (on-time). Si pewancara akan
menilai Anda sebagai orang yang disiplin terhadap waktu dan dapat
me-manage (mengatur) waktu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Tentu, perusahaan
akan lebih memilih karyawan yang rajin dan bekerja tepat waktu daripada
yang sering terlambat.
Sopankah Menanyakan Hasil Wawancara?
Panggilan wawancara kerja merupakan saat yang paling menyenangkan bagi
pencari kerja. Karena panggilan tersebut merupakan langkah awal untuk
meniti pekerjaan yang diidamkan. Tak heran jika test wawancara atau
test interview menimbulkan banyak harapan di dalam diri pencari kerja.
Bayangan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang bagus, gaji yang cukup dan
teman-teman kerja yang menyenangkan seakan sudah di pelupuk mata.
Tetapi seringkali terjadi harapan tinggallah harapan, panggilan
selanjutnya ternyata hanya tinggal penantian dan impian. Dering telepon
atau surat panggilan selanjutnya, tak kunjung tiba. Anda pun jadi
penasaran dan diliputi berbagai pertanyaan, apakah akan ada panggilan
lagi atau memang hasil wawancara Anda tidak diproses. Tak jarang
harapan yang tadinya berkobar mendadak padam.
Memang, pada beberapa perusahaan memerlukan waktu yang agak lama bahkan
ada yang membutuhkan waktu sampai satu bulan untuk memproses kelanjutan
test wawancara. Nah, kalau Anda menghadapi situasi demikian, agar tidak
penasaran, Anda dapat menanyakan kepastian kepada perusahaan tersebut
melalui telepon. Anda dapat bertanya setelah melewati waktu dua minggu
dari waktu wawancara. Tanyakan langsung pada divisi HRD atau orang yang
mewawancarai Anda.
Jangan merasa ragu dan takut untuk menanyakan hal ini, karena bertanya
merupakan hak Anda. Lagi pula, menanyakan kepastian kabar dan
kelanjutan proses lamaran Anda dalam waktu dua minggu atau lebih
setelah wawancara adalah hal yang etis dan cukup sopan. Perusahaan pun
pasti maklum atas pertanyaan Anda. Untuk itu usai wawancara, ada
baiknya Anda menanyakan siapa dan nomor telepon yang dapat dihubungi
untuk menanyakan hasil wawancara Anda.
Jika pihak perusahaan menjawab bahwa hasil test Anda tersimpan dalam database
dan sewaktu-waktu diperlukan Anda akan dipanggil lagi, berarti jawaban
sesungguhnya lamaran Anda tidak diproses lebih lanjut. Jawaban seperti
itu biasanya merupakan penolakan secara halus setidaknya untuk saat
itu. Bisa jadi, suatu saat jika ada kualifikasi yang cocok, Anda akan
dipanggil lagi. Namun dengan jawaban seperti itu Anda jangan lantas
terus menanti tanpa berusaha lagi. Buatlah lamaran lain
Sebaliknya kalau jawaban perusahaan memberi kepastian, misalnya,"Anda
memang memenuhi kualifikasi kami dan dengan pertanyaan Anda, kami
sekaligus memanggil Anda pada tanggal...", berarti kemungkinan besar
Anda akan diterima. Mungkin saat itu pihak perusahaan belum sempat
menghubungi Anda lebih lanjut dikarenakan adanya kepentingan lain.
Hidup ini memang penuh dengan kemungkinan. Untuk itu Anda jangan
berhenti berusaha untuk mendapatkan kemungkinan yang terbaik. Sehingga
kemungkinan itu akan menjelma menjadi suatu 'kepastian' yang
== Conquer the Basics ==
It is now the best time to learn the basics. In this section, all instructions are clearly provided. You are not expected to know anything about building a Web site before you begin. In only a short time, however, you will have learned a great deal.
The most important step to building your Web site begins before you start. There are a number of considerations to [http://docs.joomla.org/Planning_Your_Web_site planning your Web site]. Take time to consider those ideas before getting started. It will save you much frustration and rework!
=== Guides for Joomla! Editors and Publishers ===
Those who edit and publish articles on your new Joomla! site will also need help to understand what they must do. The [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task056/createarticletres.odt Author tutorial] by brianfast [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299545/Joomla-v-15-How-to-create-an-Article Scribd] and an excellent guide for the [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task063/joomlawebmaster.odt Joomla! Publisher] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300190/Joomla-v-1-5-Webmaster-and-Publisher-Tutorial Scribd] by [[GHOP students/Max Shinn|Max Shinn (trombonechamp)]] could be very helpful.
=== General Joomla! v 1.5 Questions? ===
Ask questions in the [http://forum.joomla.org/viewforum.php?f=428 General Joomla! v 1.5 forum board].
= Master System Administration =
System Administration is a very important part to running a successful Web site. It is a good idea to practice installing Joomla! on a localhost environment. Then, learn to move your Joomla! website to a Web host and how to backup and restore your Joomla! database. Knowing how to do these things before you even begin creating your Web site ensures you will be ready if something unfortunate happens. With that knowledge in place, you can move forward with confidence.
== Learn to Backup and Restore ==
Learn to backup your Joomla! database. Learn to restore your Joomla! database. Practice. A lot! Frequent backups are the best way to sleep at night. Check out this video entitled [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2742157386318372444 How to backup and restore a Joomla! database using phpMyAdmin] by kristofdb. It's not hard - learn to do it after you install Joomla! but before you configure the environment.
== How to Recover Your System Administration Password ==
We have all done it, some of us dozens of times! Watch this video by [[GHOP students/James William Ramsay|James Ramsey]] entitled [http://www.veoh.com/videos/v1818492yRNhWTdg How to Recover your Administrator Password using phpMyAdmin].
= Maximize Use of the Core, ''Then'' Install Extensions =
Many times, new Joomla! users find the Joomla! Extension Directory and install everything that looks cool! That's not always a good idea. It's best to maximize the use of the core code before you add extensions to your site. With each extension that you install, you complicate your site administration requirements and slow your site down. Upgrades are also more complicated. Extensions are great but make certain you really need them, first.
== Exploring the possibilities with Joomla! v 1.5 Core ==
* Learn what is possible given the core [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task028/Joomla%20Menu%20Types.zip Joomla! Menu Types] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299861/Joomla-v-15-Menu-Types Scribd] by xalnx;
* Understand all the options available when you create a [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task029/Issue_29_Joomla_Category_Blog_Layout_document_v2.zip Joomla! Category Blog Layout] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299872/Joomla-v-15-Category-Blog-Layout Scribd] by hashani;
* Watch this video on [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task055/Joomla!_GHOP_Issue_055.mov How to embed media within a Joomla! article] by mdranta;
* Explore the possibilities with [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task066/MediaManager.odt Using the media manager] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299878/Joomla-v-15-Using-the-Media-Manager Scribd] by SharifOerton;
* Learn [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task026/Rev10-Final.zip How to Use Joomla!'s Register to Read More] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299883/Joomla-v-15-Register-to-Read-More Scribd] by drmmr763;
* Make certain to learn how to [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task104/How_to_create_a_custom_HTML_module.zip Create a custom HTML module] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299886/Joomla-v-15-How-to-create-a-custom-HTML-module- Scribd] by blitzprog;
* Learn how to [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task105/using_media_manager.zip Use the Media Manager to Offer File Downloads] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299888/Joomla-v-15-Using-Media-Manager-for-File-Downloads Scribd] by fervidfrogger;
* Learn how to create a simple [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task106/Joomla%20Image%20Gallery.odt Image Gallery using the Media Manager] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299943/Joomla-v-15-Image-Gallery-using-the-Media-Manager Scribd] by SharifOerton;
* Learn how to use core [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task107/BDRev5.zip Contact functions to create a services or resources directory] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299950/Joomla-v-15-Contact-functions-to-create-a-services-or-resources-directory Scribd] by [[GHOP students/Chad Windnagle|Chad Windnagle (drmmr763)]];
* Take time to explore how to use the [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task108/Newsflashtutorialfinal.odt News flash module to display random or rotating selection of texts] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299953/Joomla-v-15-News-flash-module-to-display-random-or-rotating-selection-of-texts Scribd] by tj.ferrell;
* Take advantage of the [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task109/task%20109.pdf Banners component and module to feature different parts of a website] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299956/Joomla-v-15-Banners-component-and-module-to-feature-different-parts-of-a-website Scribd] by [[GHOP students/Branko Pajic|Branko Pajic (balvanboy)]];
* Read through the [[Help screens]] to find out about all options available at the Back-end
== Using Mootools ==
There are many great things you can do with Mootools, included in Joomla! v 1.5. Check out these resources to learn how:
* [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task083/Mootools%20Tips%20and%20Tricks.odt Mootools Tips and Tricks] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299965/Joomla-v-15-Mootools-Tips-and-Tricks Scribd] by [[GHOP students/Zach Kanzler|Zach Kanzler (theY4Kman)]];
* How to include [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task084/joomla.odt Squeezebox in your Joomla! Website] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299973/Joomla-v-15-Squeezebox-in-your-Joomla-Website Scribd] by ddcc;
* How to include [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task085/draft3HowtoincludeSlimboxinJoomla.odt Slimbox in your Joomla! Website] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299983/Joomla-v-15-Slimbox-in-your-Joomla-Website Scribd] by dsadik.
== Venture into Joomla! v 1.5 Extensions ==
Third party developers are solely responsible for their extensions and the quality of their code and timeliness at upgrades is not guaranteed by anyone other than that developer. There are many developers who produce very high quality code. It is best to stick with GPL or GPL-compatiable extensions although you might also find proprietary extensions on the Joomla! Extension Directory. If you purchase an extension and are unsatisfied with the result, Joomla! org cannot help you with those issues.
Take time to review the wealth of extensions available on the [http://extensions.joomla.org Joomla! Extensions Directory].
=== Questions? ===
* [[jforum:428 General Joomla! v 1.5 Questions]]
* [[jforum:466 Joomla! v 1.5 Template Questions]]
* [[jforum:470 Joomla! v 1.5 Extension Questions]]
* [[jforum:262 Joomla! Extension Directory Questions]]
= Learn the Basics for Joomla! Templating =
For many, there are only a few changes desired with the default Joomla! v 1.5 Template to make it work for their needs. These resources will help you learn how to make minor changes.
== Minor Default Template Changes ==
* How to [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task093/replace%20the%20logo%20image.odt replace the logo image in the Milkyway template] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2299991/Joomla-v-1-5-How-to-replace-the-logo-image-in-the-Milkyway-template Scribd] by deckers.olivier
* [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task033/033%20-%20Create%20a%20document%20explaining%20how%20to%20modify%20the%20default%20Template.zip How to modify the default Template] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300042/Joomla-v-15-How-to-modify-the-default-Template Scribd] by [[GHOP students/Chad Windnagle|Chad Windnagle (drmmr763)]].
== Using CSS Class Suffixes ==
There are other simple things you can do with templates to achieve the look you need. These simple tutorials could be very helpful.
* [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task057/Joomla%20Class%20Suffix%20Guides.pdf How to use CSS class suffixes in Joomla! 1.5] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300098/Joomla-v-15-How-to-use-CSS-class-suffixes Scribd] by takercena.
== Getting Rid of Tables ==
* If you do not like tables in your Joomla! output, please see [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task059/Getting_Started_with_Template_Overrides_v2.tar.gz Getting Started with Template Overrides] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300107/Joomla-v-1-5-Getting-Started-with-Template-Overrides Scribd] by [[GHOP students/Wickrama Arachchi Vithanage Hashani Maduwanthi Weerarathna|Wickrama Arachchi Vithanage Hashani Maduwanthi Weerarathna (Hashani)]]
== Adding Javascript to your Template ==
* You might be interested in [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task060/task60.odt How to add JavaScript to a Joomla template] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300110/Joomla-v-15-Adding-Javascript-to-your-Template Scribd] by  [[GHOP students/Anner J. Bonilla|Anner J. Bonilla (annerajb)]].
== Troubleshooting a Template Installation ==
If you are having trouble installing a template, see [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task061/Rev9.zip How to resolve problems with a template installation] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300161/Joomla-v-1-5-Template-Installation-Troubleshooting-Manual Scribd] by [[GHOP students/Chad Windnagle|Chad Windnagle (drmmr763)]].
=== Questions? ===
* [http://forum.joomla.org/viewforum.php?f=466 Joomla! v 1.5 Template Questions]
= Address Search Engine Optimization =
Search Engine Optimization is the practice of doing whatever is needed to help make your Web site rank higher in return results for a search engine. For some, this is very important aspect of attracting visitors to their site. Most experts agree, however, that the single best way to improve your chance of getting attention on the Internet is to provide good content on a regular basis. There are several things that you can do using core functionality to make your Joomla! Web site more SEO friendly. Here are some important areas to focus.
== Configure and troubleshoot SEF URLs ==
* [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task110/GHOPC_J110_SEFrevised-1.odt Joomla! v 1.5 SEF URLs] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300167/Joomla-v-15-Configure-and-troubleshoot-SEF-URLs Scribd] by [[GHOP students/Benjamin Hättasch|Benjamin Hättasch]].
* If you want to use IIS and Joomla!'s SEF URLs, [http://docs.joomla.org/IIS6_and_SEF_URLs_using_Joomla_1.5x do this first], then use the previous document.
== Remove WWW from your domain name ==
* [http://help.joomla.org/ghop/feb2008/task111/remove_www_from_domain6.odt How to remove "WWW" from your Domain Name and Why it matters] [http://www.scribd.com/doc/2300173/Joomla-How-to-Remove-www-from-domain-and-why-it-matters Scribd] by theoclymenus
== Create a Custom 404 Page ==
* [http://docs.joomla.org/Custom_error_pages Custom Error Pages, including 404's]
== SEO Questions ==
Questions on these topics should be asked in the [http://forum.joomla.org/viewforum.php?f=431 Joomla! v 1.5 Administration Forum].
=== SEO and SEF URL Questions? ===
* [http://forum.joomla.org/viewforum.php?f=431 Joomla! v 1.5 Administration Forum]
= Converting an Existing Website to Joomla! =
Check out the [[How to Convert an existing Web site to a Joomla! Web site]] guide for great step by step instructions.
= Asking Questions in the Forums =
At some point in this journey, you started feeling confident enough to reach out to others and began using the Forums. There are a few "common courtesies" you should be aware of:
* First of all, did you actually read the assignments? If not, do! Only you can help yourself learn and reading this material will do the trick!
* Please make certain you search, first, before posting a question. Nine times out of ten someone else had the same issue that you had. As it turns out, we all travel a similar path.
* Also, check the [[FAQs]]. There is already a TON of stuff out there that you WILL find helpful. Being responsible to search and review existing material keeps the questions at a manageable level for the volunteers who help.
* Be clear and specific in your request for help. Entries like “Help! It doesn’t work!” tend to get ignored. Try to explain everything that led up to your problem. Try to explain what your problem is. Be clear about what you want to happen. And, thank those who bother to help!
* Use the [http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=428&t=272481 Forum Post Assistant] to help you provide more information and better explain your problem.
* If your question/problem was solved, mark your thread as solved by editing the first post you made in that thread and changing the topic icon to the green check mark with a circle. You can also add [Solved] to your topic title. By doing this you allow other members who are doing searches to easily differentiate between solved and unsolved issues. This also saves the volunteers' time of having to open up solved topics.
= Thanks to our GHOP Contestants! =
Most of this material was written by Joomla! Google Highly Open Participation Contestants. This work is of the highest quality and the students were inspiring to work with. Sincere thanks to all of our participants for sharing their gifts with the Joomla! community. You guys rock!
[[Category:Landing Pages]]
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Revision as of 07:53, 11 April 2015

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<translate> As someone who has not used Joomla! before, you need to know how to get started. Maybe you have a friend or a neighbour who uses Joomla! and you want a Joomla! web site of your very own. Maybe you have a small business or a club or a community that needs a web presence, and you want to use Joomla! for that purpose. Maybe you are a seasoned Information Technology professional, but you have never used Joomla! before. If so, you are just starting a very enjoyable journey and we warmly welcome you to Joomla! </translate>

What is Joomla?

Joomla! is a CMS(Content Management System) that lets you...

...make and update web pages easily.

As a simplified explanation, think of a Joomla! website dynamically bringing together three elements.

  • Your content, which is stored in a database and called articles.
  • Modules, additional pieces of special content which is also stored in a database.
  • Your template, which controls the design and presentation(fonts, colors and layout) of your content and modules.

Joomla! is the software that brings together the content and modules using the template to produce webpages dynamically. No more HTML pages to store, update, link together and then upload to your server.

Absolute Beginners Guide to Joomla!

Although you could spend a lifetime learning Joomla!, if you master the basics you will be able to make a very attractive and useful basic website in a very short time with no special technical skills. Do you want to get started with Joomla!, but you have no idea where to begin? If so, you have come to the right place.

Installing Joomla!

Before you can begin using Joomla! you will need a working installation of Joomla! If you want your site to be available on the Internet, make sure that you have an account on a web server. For most people this means signing up with a hosting company and purchasing a domain that will serve as your site's main address.

  • Want to build a free Joomla! website? launch.joomla.org is a Joomla! service that allows you to start, build and maintain a completely free website on a joomla.com subdomain for an unlimited time. The site building software features all of the Joomla! CMS core functionalities that make building a website easy and flexible.
  • Already have a hosting company? Joomla! is offered by most hosting companies under "One Click Installs" (also called Auto Installers) for their customers. The "One Click Install" method offers an "instant" installation of Joomla! which is quick and easy. Follow the instructions your host provides.
  • Use the conventional method of installation. This requires you to copy the Joomla! zip file to your hosting account, unzip, create a database, and then run the installation. Complete instructions can be found at Installing Joomla. Further information can be found at Joomla! Installation Resources.
  • Install Joomla! on your own computer (without your site appearing on the Internet), you can install it using the XAMPP package. Install XAMPP and then use the "conventional method" to get your Joomla! test site working.
Learn to Use Joomla!

Once you have a working Joomla! site, you will want to start filling it with your own content and making it look just the way you want. Before doing that, it is a good idea to learn more about how to work with Joomla!. There are a number of very useful resources to help you with this.

  • Learn Joomla! terminology by browsing the Glossary.
  • Getting Started with Joomla! is a tutorial series with hands-on instructions to introduce Joomla! to people who have not previously used it. It explains techniques step by step using screenshots.

Getting Support

Before You Start Creating Your Joomla! Site

Before you jump into making your own articles, categories, tags, web links, contacts, banners, and news feeds, you may want to review Planning Your Web site. There are many aspects of creating a web site to consider. For example, deciding if you want to enable Search Engine Friendly URLs and how enabling or disabling Search Engine Friendly URLs later will destroy the rankings your pages acquired with search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Perhaps you already have a website. Then you should read Converting an existing website to a Joomla! website and learn more about converting your static website.

One of the first tasks you may want to do is to modify one of the templates that comes with Joomla! so that it displays your site name and logo.

Finally, you may want to install one or more of the thousands of extensions to Joomla!. Most Joomla! extensions are listed in the official Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED). Once you've found an extension to install, you'll have to follow the procedure for installing a Joomla! Extension.

Please remember that all extensions are developed by independent developers. If you need help with a specific extension the best source will be that developer.

Getting Help in the Joomla! Forums

The Joomla! forums are the among the busiest (and most friendly) support forums in the world, and they are a great place to get help and meet other Joomla! users.

  • Before posting, check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the docs wiki.
  • Please make certain you search the Forum post first before posting a question. Nine times out of ten someone else had the same issue that you had.
  • Make sure you are posting in the right forum for your topic.
  • Be clear and specific in your request for help. Entries like “Help! It doesn’t work!” tend to get ignored. Try to explain everything that led up to your problem. Try to explain what your problem is. Be clear about what you want to happen. And, thank those who bother to help!
  • Use the Forum Post Assistant to help you provide more information and better explain your problem.
  • If your question/problem was solved, mark your thread as solved by editing the first post you made in that thread and changing the topic icon to the green check mark with a circle. You can also add [Solved] to your topic title. By doing this you allow other members who are doing searches to easily differentiate between solved and unsolved issues. This also saves the volunteers' time of having to open up solved topics.
  • As soon as you know things, start answering questions. Answering questions is one of the best ways to learn.
  • If someone helps you, say thank you and pay it forward by answering a question yourself.

Here are some quick links to specific Joomla 3.x forums commonly used.

Keep Your Joomla! Site Secure

Security is always a big concern on the web. Make sure you are using best security practices. The basic techniques on the Security Check List will get your site off to a good start in terms of security. Here is a list of more information you should read.

Joomla Security Forums

Joomla Security Feeds

Understand How Joomla! Works

You might want to learn how Joomla! is built and how its features work together.

In short, Joomla! is composed of a Framework and extensions. There are several types of extensions, each capable of performing specific tasks. Some extensions are developed as part of the Joomla! project and come with your installation. If you want to add features to your site, you can install more extensions.

You can compare this to a computer operating system, like Microsoft Windows or Linux. You don't directly use the operating system (Joomla!); you use applications (extensions) to carry out tasks. Some applications (extensions) are immediately available on your system, but can install and remove additional applications (extensions) at any time.

The Joomla! Core Features Guide scribd, written by James Ramsay describes the features (mostly the extensions) available in each download of Joomla!.